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Friday 23 December 2011

Is there gender equality in Islam?

All Praises is due to Allah. We ask him to bless our noble prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and we thank Allah for sending us a flawless scripture of truth. 

One major question always arises to Muslims on the subject of gender equality in Islam and with a lot of thought and study of the subject I feel qualified to answer this question. I will start with a summary of the rites of women today and then discuss the rites of women in Pre-Islamic Arabia in another article inshallah. 

First of all I want to point out here is that men and woman are not the same, anybody who has studied biology even for the first year knows that there is a big difference between men and women. Islam does not preach this idea of gender equality we preach something much bigger and better than that and that's equity (fairness) whats right for a man and whats right for a woman. 

The rites of men and the rites of women are different because their different, they have been created differently by Allah. And who is to know and understand what an individual persons needs are then the one who created them in the first place and it is Allah, who sent down instructions so that everyone gets their proper rites, not equal rites but equity rites. I will give you an example of this. Men and women are not the same when it comes to business or work, quite simply because women don't have the physical capability to go out there and do some of the things men can do, on the other hand there are many things women can do that men can't do having babies is one of them! Also women are able to tolerate a lot more pain specially through labor and childbirth no man could ever be able to do that. 

Also men and women are different in their emotional makeup their thinking and the way they approach ideas, doesn't mean to say ones wrong and ones right but there is a difference and Allah has explained everything to us through Islam.

When we consider the shahada men and women must both accept that there is no God but Allah and  we are going to do what he wants us to do on his terms and Muhammad is the messenger (peace be upon him). Then after that comes salah 5 daily preys a day however women on their monthly cycle don't have to pray and further more she does not have to make them up why? Because Allah knows what he created and does not want her doing that then, she can pray in her heart.

When it comes to hajj the pilgrimage both men and women are required to do it, however women don't perform hajj when there on their monthly cycle. The zakat is however the same between the two sexes. 

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