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Sunday 3 June 2012

Photos of war crimes done by Assad the Syrian leader

A handout picture released by the oppsition Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network shows the bodies of children lying at a hospital morgue in the central Syrian town of Houla

UN said around 90 to 108 people confirmed as having been killed in the town of Houla and the nearby village of Taldou appeared to have been shot at close range. Among the victims of the attack by Assad's forces were about 49 children and 34 Women, the UN added. Rupert Colville, for the UN high commissioner for human rights said: "it looks like entire families were shot in their houses."

Mass burial for victims of Houla massacre

Mass burial on 26 May for victims of Houla Massacre, in which more than 100 people were killed, almost half were children.

Bodies of victims of the Houla massacre, which claimed the lives of 108 people on May 25.

The massacre in Houla denied by the government

Child victims of bombing by alleged Assad militias - Homs

Sidra Bahadour a child that was killed during the bombing. Defected army in Homs has arrested Iranian snipers that are part of Assad's army. Since then Homs is under full-force attack. Four buildings have been destroyed killing five entire families including seven children. Syria 26 January 2012.

Anyway I think we have seen enough for there is so much more I could upload. one question always arises and I will try and put it in laymen term "Why the HELL is nobody helping the Syrians?" I ask all my Muslim brothers and sister around the world to make duaa and pray for these people why have died and pray to Allah to ask him to take away Assad in this world before he does anymore damage. Further more ask Allah to punish Assad too because he really deserves everything which is bad in this life and the hereafter.

We are told in a Hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Masud. The prophet said, Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (an evil doing) and killing him is kufr (disbelief). Sahih Bukhari volume 1 hadith 46 

We are also told in another Hadith narrated by Abu Huraira. While the Prophet was saying something in a gathering, a bedouin came and asked him, "When would the hour (Doomsday) take place?" Allah's messenger continued his talk, sosome people said that Allah's messenger had heard the question but did not like what the bedouin had asked. Some of them said Allah's messenger had not heard it. when the prophet finished his speech, he said, "Where is the questioner, who inquired about the hour (Doomsday)?" The bedouin said " I am here, O Allah's messenger." The prophet said "When Al-Amanah (trust) is lost, then wait  for the hour (Doomsday)." The bedouin said "How will that be lost?" The prophet said, "When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the hour (Doomsday)." Sahih Bukhari Volume 1 hadith 56

We continue again by being told in another Hadith narrated by Abu Huraira. The prophet said "Religious knowledge will be taken away by the death of religious scholars, ignorance in religion and Al-Fitan (trials and afflictions) will appear and Harj will increase." It was asked, "What is Harj, O Allah's messenger?" He replied by beckoning with his hand indicating "Killing" Sahih Bukhari Volume 1 hadith 85

and again we are told in another hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas. I heard Allah's messenger saying "Allah doses not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from the hearts of the people, but takes it away by the death of the religions learned men till when none of the religious learned men remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge.So they will go astray and will lead the people astray." Sahih Bukhari volume 1 hadith 100. 

To sum this all up if we examine these hadiths they sound a lot like the leaders we have today such as Assad,  Mubarak, Gaddafi and so on. All I can say is we must be very careful as the hour might be approaching soon. 


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