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Sunday 16 January 2011

Free Islamic university online. Get a Bachelor of arts in Islamic studies for free

This website is really cool its something Muslims have been dreaming about I myself have never seen an Islamic university online that is free and with dedicated study can land you a bachelor of arts in Islamic studies. So lets take a look at what its all about shall we.

  • 2000: Founded IOU from UAE.
  • 2007: Resumed from Qatar, 22 free diploma short courses, 1,500 students registered. 
  • 2008: Over 4,500 students registered. 
  • 2009: 15,000 students registered from over 160 countries. 
  • 2010: 30,000 students from 177 countries 
  • March 2010: First tuition free Bachelor of Arts in Islamic studies. 
So as you can see this online university is the real deal from the figures above. The founder of this beautiful school is non other then Dr Bilal Philips who is one of the best Muslim scholars of all time. Lets take a look at his own statement 

Making authentic Islamic knowledge readily available to the world through the medium of the internet solely for God's pleasure is a noble goal and a dignified mission worthy of sacrificing one's energies and means for.
-Dr Bilal Philips. 

There really is no charge for this degree and I argue anyone looking to become a Muslim scholar to check out this website and sign up with them before its too late.

Islamic online university 
Office of administrations 
P.O. Box 3955
Doha, Qatar 

Admissions: Registrar@islamiconlineuniversity.com

Sponsorships: Asst.Dean@islamiconlineuniversity.com

General Enquiry: Registrar@islamiconlineuniversity.com 

Website to the Islamic university 

I would like to thank Dr. Bilal for doing this may Allah reward him for all his hard efforts and I urge all the Muslims to make dua for him secondly I would like to thank a Muslim sister called Ruksana Butt who is one of the administrators may Allah bless her also and all those who are involved in this project. Please see video bellow


  1. Barakallahufik. This is an excellent site for Islamic studies. I am a new muslim too, alhamdulillah. Keep writing brother. Great work mashallah. May Allah reward you for your effort. Inshallah

    1. Thank you so much for your response, may Allah bless you for being unique because to choose Islam for your religion makes you unique and special

      salam alykum
