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Saturday 22 September 2012


Before I get into the details I want to begin the topic with a video. The video is about a Jewish caller debating with George Galloway on the subject of Israel, I wont say much as the video speaks for itself. 

I think the photos above speak for themselves in regards to the nature of the Jews, but I would like to add what Allah says about them in the Quran. Allah says in Chapter 2 verse 40: Oh children of Israel, remember my favor that I bestowed upon you and fulfill my covenant upon you that I will fulfill your covenant (from me) and fear only me. 

Allah saved them from slavery from Phroun, he saved them from the sea which drowned Pharoun and the people of Phroun, Allah sent the Jews food from the sky which they mocked at, Allah sent them prophet after prophet more then any other nation, Allah says again in the Quran Chapter 2 verse 47: And that I preferred you above all other nations.

What did the Jews do next? They followed their own desires and killed the prophets which can still be found in the old testament today. Allah says in the Quran Chapter 5 verse 70: We had already taken the covenant of the children of Israel and had sent to them messengers. Whenever came to them a messenger with what their souls did not desire, a group of the messengers they denied and another party they killed. 

There is so much I could say and so much that needs to be said but I will save it for another post. The world needs to know how dangerous the Jews actually are. In the Jewish, Christian, Muslim scriptures we are all told that the Jews are the chosen people of God just once again look at the photos above and make a judgment for yourselves.