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Wednesday 8 August 2012

American soldier quits and explains about the killing in Iraq

America are always talking about human rights and that they believe  heavily in it, however everyone knows the story of Guantanamo bay which I might post later. Here in this video is about an ex US veteran "Jon Micheal Turner" who committed war crime atrocities in Iraq such as Killing of civilians, terrorising, families, racism (shooting down of mosques) and so on. 

We know of the 3 Crusades the first Crusade which was launched by the Christians in the west to attack Islam and take Jerusalem from the Muslims, the second Crusade which was to get back the County of Edessa, the third Crusade which was to try and get Jerusalem from the Muslims again. Which I must add without going into to much detail was a religious holy war against the Muslims by pope Urban II, many Jews and Muslims were killed, raped and even cannibalised by the Christians at Ma'arra (Syria)

Now we have what I call the forth Crusade which is being conducted by the Christians, which was probably initiated by the Zionist Jews, to attack Muslims on Muslim ground, and occupy the land for themselves which they have done, and made a big income out of the country's resources (oil, Babylonian artifacts). Wars must go on otherwise America cannot sell their products (weapons) and Muslim countries are a perfect way to start up trouble, steal from, and make a profit on selling weapons. 

When will it end Allah knows.